
off the beaten path

A few weeks ago (I know, I am way behind), one of the other intern's wife and I went on a little adventure. Katie had done some research of off the beaten path things to do in DC and found out that there is an island named Roosevelt Island that you can get to from Roslyn (conveniently located only a few metro stops away). So we headed out there, and it was beautiful! I realized that it's the same island you can see from the waterfront in Georgetown (taking the metro everywhere really prevents you from knowing how close things really are to each other in DC). It was so green and beautiful! While Emily and Allison are in town, I want to take them and Don out there. It proved to be a good adventure.

This statue was HUGE! Do you see the people to the left of it? They're ants!

They had alot of big plaques that had some Roosevelt quotes.

The Memorial was in the middle of the island, and then these stairs lead to different walking paths.

The stairs had such a neat pattern! 

There were so many trees!

Hello, Roslyn. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay... I'm ready to grab Cal and come visit you two! It looks like you're having a blast. Enjoy & can't wait to hang out when you guys are back!

    PS This is out blog address: www.callenandliz.blogspot.com
